François le Champi, English The Country Waif, 1976, France Drama fiction movie, dir. Lazare Iglesis.

“François le Champi” (The Country Waif), a 1976 French drama film directed by Lazare Iglesis, offers a glimpse into rural life in 1848. Set in the picturesque Berry region, the movie’s charm lies in its portrayal of the countryside, its peasant characters, and the local customs.

Directed by Lazare Iglesis
Writing Credits Alain Quercy, George Sand Novel
Starring Louison Roblin, Marie Dubois, Patrick Raynal, Paul Le Person, Muse Dalbray, Julien Verdier Production Companies Telfrance
Release Date 15 December 1976
country France
Running time 1h 30min
Language French

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