Discover a world of ad-free movies on!

Attention movie fans!

Tired of waiting through ads while streaming your favorite movies? At, you can enjoy an advertisement-free movie experience for an affordable price.

We intend to offer a wide selection of movies from all genres, from classic blockbusters to independent gems. With new content added regularly, there’s always something new to discover. Since our new website is still under construction, we’d love to offer you watching movies for free in the meantime! Regular visits let you witness the exciting progress and growing film library. Stay tuned for the launch and more! 
Thank you for being a part of our journey!

Why choose

  • No ads: Enjoy an uninterrupted movie experience without annoying commercials.
  • Growing movie selection: Find movies from all genres, from classics to independent films.
  • Regular updates: We’re constantly adding new movies to our library.
  • Affordable prices: Choose from three flexible subscription options that fit your needs.
  • Easy access: Stream movies on any device, wherever you are.

Peek into the future of film streaming:
Explore Flicksnet’s flexible subscriptions!
Choose from three convenient subscription options:

Pay-per-movie: $1 per movie.

Weekly subscription: $3 per week.

Monthly subscription: $6 per month

Only pay for the movies you watch. This option is ideal for occasional viewers.

Stream unlimited movies for 7 days. Perfect for regular movie lovers.

Stream unlimited movies for 30 days. The most cost-effective option for avid movie watchers.

Try it today! ENJOY